Welcome to Class 3's Page
Our teachers are Mr Harvey (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) and Mrs Cutler (Wed) and our teaching partner is Mrs Cooke.
Our Spring term topic is...
Anglo Saxon Britain
Happy New Year everyone, I hope you all have had a fantastic and relaxing break and are ready for an amazing new term with so much to look forward to.
Here are a few reminders that may be helpful for the upcoming term: Our PE lessons will continue to take place on a Wednesday and Thursday so please make sure that all uniform and PE kits are clearly labelled, and drinks bottles brought in every day. There is no Forest School until next half term so please do not worry about bringing in any clothes just yet, however, wellies are encouraged so that the children can enjoy lunch times on the field if they would like to!
Our Spelling Shed homework will continue to be handed out on a Monday and due in by the following Monday. We will be doing weekly spelling tests and the words will continue to be available on Spelling Shed so you can access them at home. The children will be tested on these spellings each Friday.
Please can children continue to be aiming to read AT LEAST five times a week! We still require children to write down how many pages they have read each time and and for it to be signed by an adult (or older sibling). This will then be added together, and a prize given out every Monday to the pupils who have read brilliantly that week (there will be a sheet to fill in, in their Reading Logbooks). The amount of reading and quizzes completed by the class has been absolutely phenomenal so far this year so please keep it up!
If you ever have any questions or there’s something I can help with, please feel free to send me an email or catch me on the door during drop off or pick up and I’ll be happy to help.
Thank you all for your fantastic support this year!
Best wishes,
Mr Harvey