Welcome to Class One!
Our Teacher is Miss England. Mrs Goulding teaches us on a Wednesday morning. Our Learning Partners are Mrs Haynes.
This year we have such a wonderful bunch of children and they have all settled in so very well. I hope you also feel the transition to school has been mostly smooth, if you still have an questions or queries please do not hesitate to pop in and say hello!
Every Friday at 2:50 is our Celebration Worship in the hall. All parents are welcome to attend. During this worship, the children will receive their Star of the Week awards and we also celebrate any other ‘Wow’ moments of the week. We also celebrate birthdays and count the house points. Your children have all been
sorted into a house and this will be shared with them next week.
We have PE two times a week this term. On a Wednesday we have PE with our coach, Mr Stilwell. On a Thursday we have Gymnatsics with Ms Turner. The children will need their kits in on these days. We tend to leave PE kits in school and send them home every other Friday, unless they are very mucky! We have wellie racks and ask that all children have a pair of wellie boots to keep in school. This is so that we can have fun outside whatever the weather!
Reading books will be sent home within the next couple of weeks. They will be changed every Friday. We ask that children record when they have read with their child in their reading diary, and we do the same at school. More information will follow regarding reading at home!
Miss England